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energylightpropertiesScienceSemester IIsubjectsTopics

Properties of Light Energy Additional Material Summary

Light: How It Works

1. What Is Light?

·         Definition: Light is a form of energy that allows us to see things.

·         Straight Line Travel: Light travels in straight lines from its source.

·         Reflection: When light hits a surface, it can bounce back. For example:

o    Mirrors: Mirrors reflect light, allowing us to see our own reflection.

o    Periscopes: Periscopes use mirrors to see around corners.

2. Transparent, Translucent, and Opaque Materials

·         Transparent Materials:

o    Definition: These materials allow light to pass through completely.

o    Examples: Clear glass, water, and air.

·         Translucent Materials:

o    Definition: These materials allow some light to pass through but scatter it.

o    Examples: Frosted glass, wax paper, and foggy windows.

·         Opaque Materials:

o    Definition: These materials block light completely.

o    Examples: Wood, metal, and cardboard.

3. Shadows

·         Definition: Shadows are areas where light is blocked by an object.

·         How Shadows Form:

o    When light hits an object, it creates a shadow on the opposite side.

o    The size and shape of the shadow depend on the position of the light source and the object.

·         Examples:

o    Stand in front of a lamp and notice your shadow on the wall.

o    During a sunny day, trees cast shadows on the ground.

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