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Energy Sources: Limited (Conventional/Traditional) and Renewable/Alternative

Energy Sources

1. Limited (Conventional/Traditional) Energy Sources

These are energy sources that are finite/limited and will eventually run out/finish. Let’s explore them:

A. Fossil Fuels:

  • Fossil fuels (like coal, oil, and natural gas) contain chemical potential energy.
  • When we burn them, this energy is converted into heat energy that we use for various purposes.

B. Atoms (Nuclear Energy):

  • Atoms have a special source of energy called nuclear energy.
  • 'Nuclear power plants' (pembangkit listrik tenaga nuklir/PLTN) use this energy to generate electricity.

2. Renewable/Alternative Energy Sources

These are energy sources that are continuously replenished/refilled by nature. Here are some examples:

A. The Sun (Solar Energy):

  • The sun provides us with solar energy, which includes both light energy and heat energy.
  • Solar panels capture/catch sunlight and convert/change it into electricity.

B. Wind:

  • Wind has kinetic energy (energy of motion).
  • Wind turbines harness/use this energy to generate electricity.

C. Running Water (Hydropower):

  • Moving water (such as rivers or waterfalls) has kinetic energy.
  • 'Hydropower plants' (pembangkit listrik tenaga air/PLTA) use this energy to produce electricity.

D. The Earth (Geothermal Energy):

  • Beneath the Earth’s surface, there is heat stored in rocks and magma.
  • 'Geothermal power plants' (pembangkit listrik tenaga panas bumi/PLTP) tap into/use      this geothermal energy to generate electricity.

E. Biofuels:

  • Biofuels (like ethanol from corn or biodiesel from vegetable oils) contain chemical potential energy.
  • We can convert this energy into heat energy for cooking or heating.

3. Why Should We Conserve Energy?

A. Limited (Conventional/Traditional) and Renewable/Alternative Sources:

  • As we’ve seen, some energy sources are limited (like fossil fuels), while others are renewable (like solar and wind energy).
  • By conserving energy, we ensure that we use these resources wisely and sustainably/continuously.

B. Conserving Energy:

  • When we conserve energy, we reduce our overall consumption.
  • This helps protect the environment, reduces pollution, and ensures a better future for our planet.

C.    Some Ways of Conserving Energy:

·         Turn off Lights and Appliances/Equipments/Tools: Remind everyone to turn off lights, fans, and electronic devices when not in use. Unplugging chargers and devices that are not actively charging also helps save energy.

·         Use Energy-Efficient Bulbs: Replace traditional incandescent/glowing bulbs with energy-efficient LED or CFL bulbs. They use less electricity and last longer.

·         Adjust Thermostats: Set thermostats to an optimal temperature. Lower the thermostat during winter and raise it during summer to reduce heating and cooling energy consumption.

·         Seal Leaks: Insulate doors and windows to prevent drafts. Proper insulation keeps your home comfortable without excessive heating or cooling.

·         (Kebocoran Segel: Isolasi pintu dan jendela untuk mencegah angin kencang. Isolasi yang tepat membuat rumahmu nyaman tanpa pemanasan atau pendinginan yang berlebihan.)

·         Choose Energy-Efficient Appliances/Equipments/Tools: When buying new appliances, look for the ENERGY STAR label. These appliances are designed to use less energy.

·         Unplug Chargers and Devices: Even when not in use, chargers and devices consume a small amount of energy. Unplug them to save electricity.

·         Use Natural Light: Open curtains and blinds during the day to let in natural sunlight. It reduces the need for artificial lighting.

·         Limit Hot Water Usage: Use cold water for washing clothes whenever possible. Fix any leaks/kebocoran-kebocoran in faucets/keran-keran or pipes promptly/productively.

·         Plant Trees and Shrubs/Semak Belukar: Strategically planting trees and shrubs around your home provides shade/naungan and helps regulate/set indoor temperatures.

·         Encourage Walking or Biking: Instead of driving short distances, encourage walking, biking, or using public transportation. It reduces fuel consumption.

This helps protect the environment, reduces pollution, and ensures a better future for our planet.

Remember, every small effort counts! Encourage yourselves to be energy-conscious and make a positive impact.

Every small action contributes to a more sustainable/continuous future!

Refreshing Practice:

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